Ask any latte lover and they’ll likely agree: not all lattes are created equal! That’s because we've moved beyond a coffee-dominated culture and some of the hottest lattes on the scene now (pun intended) are the superfood-oriented ones! These rich and creamy varieties have quickly taken over the energy-driven mugs of morning go-getters and cozy beverage lovers everywhere.
So what kind of healthy superfood latte best fits your personality? Take our quiz below to find out. Keep a tally of your score as you go, then meet the wellness latte of your dreams at the end!
1. How often do you get a latte craving?
A) Literally as soon as I wake up.
B) A couple times a week—depends how busy I am.
C) A couple times a month—maybe as a special treat.
2. What’s the last healthy goodie you treated yourself to?
A) An acai bowl with all the toppings—I can’t get enough of them!
B) Avocado toast—emphasis on the avocado.
C) Some great quality chocolate (yum!).
3. The beverage nightmare that wakes you up at night:
A) Caffeine is now illegal.
B) Instead of using your favorite oat milk, you accidently use non-organic, GMO, extra-sweetened soymilk (eek!).
C) Your favorite cozy mug has mysteriously gone M.I.A.
4. What’s your healthy goal for the New Year?
A) Ramp up your energy levels by eating more nutrient-rich, plant-based foods.
B) Combat stress and premature aging by investing in recovery tools.
C) Learn new, healthier ways to treat yourself and satisfy cravings.
5. What's your go-to wellness hashtag on social media:
A) #GreenLifestyle
B) #WellnessJourney
C) #HealthyHappyLife
6. What's your biggest healthy hang-up?
A) Coffee. Give me all the coffee. All the time.
B) "Cheat day" can a little out of control at times.
C) Desserts. I mean...a couple bites don't really count, do they?
7. Eating superfoods makes you feel:
A) More energized.
B) In better physical shape.
C) In a better mood.
Congratulations—the results are in! Your superfood latte style is:
Mostly As: Matcha Latte
You crave more energy and focus throughout the day, but you want your stamina to come from nourishment—not just quick stimulation. Our balanced, green tea-based Matcha Latte Mix is the perfect fuel for your demanding lifestyle. If you want to tailor your matcha latte to your preferences, get our organic Matcha Powder and craft your latte to your liking!
Mostly Bs: Turmeric Latte
You’re well on a healthy path, but you still want to take your recovery and anti-aging to the next level. Our creamy Turmeric Latte Mix has the powerful antioxidant activity to support your primary wellness goals.
Mostly Cs: Cacao Latte
You love a sweet treat, but you want your yummy reward to put in some health-giving hard work at the same time. Our award-winning Cacao Latte Mix can comfort your cravings while infusing your body with essential nutrients—the best of both worlds!
Ready to satisfy that latte craving? Click HERE to visit our online shop and add your latte match to your cart!