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Time to Vote!
September 16, 2020

Your Vote Matters! Make Your Plan with These Voting Resources

Our futures depend on the outcome of this election. Here are some helpful resources to help you make your plan so you can pursue your most important civic action.

We are nearing an unprecedented election—with the circumstances of the pandemic making it more difficult than ever to vote. Being fearful of going to the polls is understandable. Feeling overwhelmed by life and unable to go through all the hoops required to get a mail-in-ballot is understandable. Feeling disenchanted with our political system and individually disempowered is understandable. And: now is no time to despair. We cannot afford to let these things deter us.

Our system is not perfect, but it is the tool we have at our disposal. Now more than ever, we are being called to do our duty as citizens and as humans: to show up. For ourselves, for our precious earth, and for each other. Our futures depend on the outcome of this election. Keep reading for some helpful resources we've compiled from across the web to help you make your plan so you can pursue your most important civic action.

Make Your Plan

The first best thing you can do right now is get your own voting plan sorted. Are you registered? Do you know what’s required by your state for you to receive a mail-in-ballot? Perhaps casting your vote in person during the early voting window is your preferred action plan. Vote.org contains everything you need to know about how to get set up to vote this election.

Get to the Polls

This informative online resource is designed to connect voters with the election information they need to cast a ballot. With options available in 13 different languages and covering all 50 states, Get to the Polls (GTTP) helps voters identify where to vote or return their ballot, what’s on their ballot, and how to contact their state and local election officials.

Personalized Voting Resources

If you need to orient yourself on your own voting details, head to Vote411.org. You’ll get personalized voting information—from the location of your polling place to the measures that will be on your ballot.

State-by-State Info

Curious to learn about voting statuses across the country? Five Thirty Eight offers state-by-state information (with fun illustrations, too!) that lays out what our voting options currently are in all 50 states, broken down into six helpful categories.

Fight Voter Suppression

Voter suppression (implementing policy that blocks certain communities’ ability to vote) undermines our democracy and is, maddeningly, very real. From discriminatory voter ID laws to reduced polling place hours in communities of color to laws that do not include the pandemic as a valid reason to request a mail-in ballot, we have many battles to help fight before November 3rd. Bustle has put together a great list of organizations you can support that are working tirelessly to fight voter suppression this election.

Voting Guide for Seniors

This helpful resource provides information on a variety of critical issues facing older Americans as they make plans to vote in the 2020 election, including how to safely vote during this unprecedented global pandemic. Visit RetireGuide to find out what is at stake for Medicare, Social Security, the future of prescription drug prices, and more.

Empower Employees

Here at Navitas, we’ve joined the Civic Alliance, a non-partisan group of businesses working together to encourage Americans to participate in elections, empower U.S. employees to vote and champion civic engagement opportunities in our U.S. communities.

Additionally, 100 percent of our company will be closed on Election Day and all employees will receive paid time off to vote so that we can exercise our rights, help strengthen our democracy, and inspire our employees and customers to participate in civic life.

Check your status and pass on the baton. Start to establish your personal voting plan. Make a donation if you can. Remember, if you requested a mail-in-ballot, it doesn’t have to be mailed—you can drop it off at any polling place to cast your vote, too. 

Our democracy is meant to be by the people, for the people. It is in the hands of each of us to make it so.

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